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Google Ads

Reach people who are looking for your product or service.

Every day, thousands of people are connected to the network, whether to research, compare, evaluate or buy products, and in contact with different brands and their strategies. In this scenario, you need to be ready to give the user what they need, and we are ready to help you with that mission. The Google Ads team at Flics is constantly learning and ready to help you leverage your business and discover a new world of opportunities!

In addition to the care and dedication to create a highly results-oriented campaign, our mission continues in the next stages of the process. The optimization made by account managers, seeks to evaluate and find points in the campaign that can be improved and thus improve the result rates day by day!

What Will We Do for You?


Attract More Customers

Leverage your sales and your leads, Google Ads can help you attract new customers.


Reach the Right Audience

You will be found by anyone who is genuinely interested in your product or service.


Constant Optimization

We have a qualified team that will constantly optimize your campaigns.


Weekly Reports

We send weekly reports with the most important information for your business.


Quality Support

Our team is ready to serve you and answer all your questions about your campaigns.


Custom Campaigns

We create campaigns with the best strategies and the latest Google news for your business.

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